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From Challenges to Achievements: My Internship at Existing Conditions

From Challenges to Achievements: My Internship at Existing Conditions

Learn about my marketing internship experience at Existing Conditions. Delve into the role and responsibilities I was entrusted with, the challenges I encountered, the growth I achieved, and the invaluable insights I gained throughout this transformative journey.

Roles and Responsibilities

During my internship at Existing Conditions, I was trusted with a diverse array of responsibilities that provided me with invaluable insights into the world of marketing and content creation. Central to my role were the tasks of capturing on-site content and refining it through editing, all while contributing to ongoing marketing initiatives that showcased the company's innovative projects, experience, and expertise.

A significant part of my role revolved around amplifying the company's presence through various marketing channels. I actively contributed to an array of projects, such as crafting engaging case study ebooks, writing informative blog posts, emails, and creating social media content. By engaging in these multifaceted marketing techniques, I not only refined my communication skills but also discovered how to encapsulate the uniqueness of Existing Conditions' projects, effectively reaching and resonating with our target audience.

Some photos from my first time on-site:

Mike Remond, Senior Operations Associate, utilizing the Leica RTC360 scanner on-site at St. Cecilia Parish

Mike Remond, Senior Operations Associate, utilizing the Leica RTC360 scanner on-site at St. Cecilia Parish

Our Leica RTC360 completing exterior scans of St. Cecilia Parish

Our Leica RTC360 completing exterior scans of St. Cecilia Parish

Lastly, another key part of my internship included venturing on-site to meticulously capture content and later edit that same content. This would consist of going to our project locations and being immersed in the Existing Conditions’ operations environment, and taking photos, videos, and thinking of new ways to show how our team works. Not only gaining photography and videography skills but also a comprehension of the inner workings of Existing Conditions. This firsthand experience really shows the intricate processes that underpin the company's operations, enabling me to grasp the essence of how we deliver our services. 


Learning and Growth

Throughout my internship journey at Existing Conditions, I embarked on a transformative path of learning and growth that equipped me with a diverse set of new skills and insights. To begin, I spent my first week bringing myself up to speed about the company, our current marketing initiatives, how our operations team works, and some other preparation tasks. These helped me understand where I should start, what I need to learn, and areas I should improve as my internship continues. 

After week one, as I delved into the intricacies of business writing and professional communication, I was privileged to work closely with Existing Conditions current marketing professionals, Amanda Zaslow and Charlotte Roberson. My understanding of business writing and adeptness in professional communication underwent significant expansion during my time at Existing Conditions. 

This early involvement laid a strong foundation for comprehending the paramount significance of effective communication in a business context. The lessons I acquired ranged from crafting concise yet impactful messages to mastering the art of maintaining professionalism and our company’s values across all platforms. This newfound proficiency not only bolstered my self-assurance but also equipped me with a toolkit primed for success in my future initiatives.

Some of my favorite photos from on-site:

Mike Remond, Senior Operations Associate, utilizing the Leica RTC360 laser scanning on-site at Dexter-Southfield Academy

Mike Remond, Senior Operations Associate, utilizing the Leica RTC360 laser scanning on-site at Dexter-Southfield Academy

Leica RTC360 laser scanner

Leica RTC360 laser scanner

One fundamental lesson that truly set the stage for an enriching experience was the vital role of feedback within Existing Conditions. As I integrated into the team's communication channels on platforms like Slack and began sharing my own work, I recognized the practice of seeking feedback before finalizing any piece of work. This ritual extended beyond a mere formality – it was a cornerstone of our collective progress. As my internship evolved, I witnessed how this emphasis on feedback became an integral part of every facet of our team. This underscored the transformative power of constructive criticism, shaping a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.


Team Collaboration

I was fortunate to directly experience the culture of collaboration and teamwork that defines Existing Conditions. From weekly meetings to consistent communication, the marketing team exemplified this by working seamlessly across various departments within the company. Existing Conditions places a strong emphasis on collaboration and partnerships, not only internally and among our team members, but also externally, with longstanding clients with whom we've nurtured partnerships spanning over two and a half decades.

In the dynamic environment of Existing Conditions, I observed the collaboration in action on a daily basis. This was evident not only in the interactions among our internal teams but also in our external engagements with clients. The fluid exchange of ideas and expertise across departments was a testament to the company's commitment to harnessing the collective power of its talent. The synergy that arose from these cross-functional collaborations was instrumental in delivering comprehensive solutions that went beyond the confines of a single department's capabilities.

Our team at the Annual Company Party

Our team at the Annual Company Party

During my internship, I was fortunate to closely collaborate with two exceptional marketing associates at Existing Conditions, Amanda Zaslow and Charlotte Roberson. Amanda, who specializes in Public Relations and Marketing, played a pivotal role as my mentor throughout the summer. Her guidance enabled me to delve into the intricate aspects of crafting case study blogs and orchestrating event outreach, providing me with profound insights into effective communication strategies. On the other hand, Charlotte, a maestro in social media, shared her expertise in social marketing, imparting knowledge ranging from the art of crafting engaging Instagram captions to the intricacies of designing captivating posts using Canva.

These collaborative experiences not only broadened my skill set but also instilled in me a deep appreciation for the power of teamwork. Being part of a company that values and nurtures teamwork on both internal and external fronts has equipped me with a valuable perspective that I will carry forward.


Real-World Impact

My role during my internship at Existing Conditions had a tangible impact on the company's overarching objectives, helping fuel its growth, expand its awareness, and solidify its unique value proposition. One facet of our mission was to elevate the company's platform and visibility, emphasizing our non-intrusive approach and commitment to delivering highly precise building drawings. Through various marketing initiatives, including case studies, eBooks, and emails, I was able to portray these distinctive qualities to our audience. By articulating the accuracy of our drawings and highlighting our non-intrusive methods, I contributed to establishing Existing Conditions as a reliable and trustworthy partner for our clients.

Another pivotal company goal was to underscore our willingness to undertake projects nationwide, from the East Coast to the West Coast. This objective aimed to communicate the feasibility and cost-saving benefits of our services. By engaging in marketing endeavors such as creating case studies and crafting content, I was able to showcase Existing Conditions as a versatile and capable partner that extends its services across the nation. This translated into practical results, as I effectively communicated that our services not only save our clients time and money but also enable them to leverage our expertise no matter where their projects are located.

Furthermore, I played a vital role in fostering the image of Existing Conditions as a collaborative partner and an extension of our clients' teams. This crucial aspect was exemplified in projects like the Rough Point Museum in Newport, Rhode Island. Through case study documentation, I underscored the long-standing partnership between Existing Conditions and DBVW Architects, spanning over two decades. This showcased our consistent commitment and positioned us as a dependable extension of our clients' teams. Overall, my contributions to content creation and marketing directly aligned with these objectives, affirming Existing Conditions' reputation as a trusted and collaborative industry leader.

Discover the latest Case Study Blog about the Rough Point Museum project authored by me – explore it here!



Throughout my internship, I encountered a diverse learning curve that presented intricate challenges. An example arose when I tackled my first Case Study blog, which focused on the Colony Hotel in Palm Beach, Florida. While I comprehended the foundational tasks, the true test lay in mastering a new writing style essential for marketing. Adapting one's writing style in this realm isn't an occasional shift but a continuous need. Beyond mechanics, it involved harmonizing wording, structure, and approach with the company's ethos, a task demanding meticulous attention. 

The Colony Hotel case study epitomized this, requiring the fusion of informative content with the company's unique voice. It wasn't solely about crafting well-structured content; each sentence carried the weight of the brand's narrative. This challenge, though demanding, fortified my adaptability and refined my ability to encapsulate intricate details in a cohesive and compelling manner, illuminating the dynamic interplay between skill adaptation and the evolving demands of marketing.



As an intern, the prospect of stepping into a company's operations can be understandably daunting. However, this experience underscores the company's investment in one's growth and success, making it essential to rise to the occasion. In such moments, the strength of a cohesive team shines, offering solutions and support that propel growth. In the context of the writing challenge mentioned earlier, Amanda and Charlotte emerged as key figures who extended substantial aid. Their feedback became an invaluable resource, enabling me to grasp where I could enhance my skills and figuratively offered a blueprint for future improvements. This solution resonates with the overarching theme of learning during the internship, underscoring how a nurturing team can pave the way for effective problem-solving and career growth.

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