BOMA, and other SF calculations

What types of Area Calculations does Existing Conditions provide?

Existing Conditions is committed to providing the best as-built documentation in the industry. That's why we provide Gross Square Footage* calculations for each floor in our standard deliveries.

If you need a more detailed breakdown of building areas, make sure our Business Development team knows this before writing their proposal. We will also need a markup of how you would like the spaces divided (this can be done after we send you the Floor Plans, even as modeling continues). While a written description of how you want the spaces divided can be helpful, there is no substitute for clearly-marked drawings. Please note that subdivided SF calculations may require an additional fee.

Existing Conditions does not typically provide BOMA Calculations or Condo Docs. These calculations are a constantly-evolving set of legal standards and classifications. We instead focus on what we do best - documenting the architectural built environment.

*Measured to the exterior face of exterior walls and presumed center of demising walls; not applicable for all projects


If you'd like to learn more, please visit our website, check out our portfolio, or contact us to connect with a member of our team.