Orthogonal v. True Geometry

We can model to your specifications

As you probably know, no floor is perfectly flat, and no wall is perfectly straight. While our highly-accurate scanners can pick up these imperfections, our clients rarely expect us to model or draw them. In fact, the vast majority of our clients ask that we represent these elements as orthogonal, so they can have a more workable file that does not slow them down.

An orthogonal representation means that we show these elements as "straightened out" in the model or drawings. The files are still accurate, they just have a different tolerance than the scan data. This tolerance varies by client, project, and field condition. In the Revit files we deliver, a point cloud is embedded which our clients can turn on or off at their discretion. This gives our clients two sets of references at the same time - the point cloud and the model.

In some rare cases we are asked to model to true geometry. For these projects, our clients understand that the modeling costs will be higher due to the increased modeling time required.

Our work is driven by your scope. Please let our team know your specific modeling/drawing requirements before the project begins.


If you'd like to learn more, please visit our website, check out our portfolio, or contact us to connect with a member of our team.