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As-Built Survey Services: Making Choices from the Existing

As-Built Survey Services: Making Choices from the Existing

A project’s success is often connected to how well the surroundings and existing conditions are understood, and how these factors can impact the project. At Existing Conditions, we understand the importance of detailed and high-quality information on a site during project development and aim for our as-built survey services to give our clients the information they need to make intelligent decisions, mitigate risk, and avoid costly mistakes.

The Importance of As-Built Survey Services in Building Projects

Kelvin Jolalpa with the Leica RTC360

On-site image of one of our Operations Associate, Kelvin Jolalpa performing an existing condition survey utilizing the Leica RTC360.

An as-built survey is a fundamental step in any construction project, since it provides a comprehensive, post-construction view of a building, ensuring that the final product is meticulously captured and recorded. As such, and as with any process in construction, an as-built survey also requires certain quality standards. Adequate survey control protocols, such as the ones at Existing Conditions, lay the groundwork for precise data collection so that all measurements and dimensions are accurately captured. Whether your project spans large areas or requires high vertical accuracy, survey control is essential for maintaining consistency and reliability in your data.



Maximizing Value and Peace of Mind with Digital Documentation

Digital documentation not only saves time, money, and resources but also provides you with security and peace of mind. The risk of losing information in physical form is mitigated by having a strong backup in digital form, be it internally within your company’s servers or in cloud storage platforms. With a precise record of your building or property, you can mitigate logistical issues, support remote monitoring, and extract greater value from your investments. This does not only apply to legal and bureaucratic documentation but, as is the case for most of our clients, also to plans and as-built surveys for your project. Having a digital backup of your project’s development and evolution is always advisable.

3D Revit and 3D Point Cloud

3D Revit and 3D Point Cloud of 707 E 34th St, Baltimore, Maryland.

Digitizing buildings with Existing Conditions unlocks many benefits for professionals in the building industry. Our experts have the experience, workflows, and infrastructure to scan, index, and ensure quality control to meet your requirements. Through our as-built survey services, we register and record your building, be it for intervention, renovation, restoration, or simply for your internal archives, allowing you to have your information safely backed up in digital form. From an experienced operations team, to as few site visits as possible, and to cost-saving and customer-centric approaches, our as-built survey services will empower you to make smart decisions based on accurate, high quality and easily understood data.



Enhancing Efficiency and Precision Through 3D Laser Scanning

Leica RTC360

On-site image of the Leica RTC360, one of our many tools for surveying in the field

At Existing Conditions, we pride ourselves on being at the cutting edge of technology, constructive analysis, and spatial data recollection, which we frequently use when conducting as-built survey services. Our state-of-the-art 3D laser scanning technology can capture millions of data points per second. The data is stitched together, providing a three-dimensional representation of the existing space within the line of sight. The use of this technology, which can be supplemented with aerial drone imagery, helps expedite and organize project workflows while also providing our clients with comprehensive insights into the spatial qualities of their projects. Therefore, our technology permits the quicker realization of more complete design layouts.


Leveraging As-Built Survey Services for Accurate Data Collection

With over 26 years of experience, Existing Conditions offers decades of expertise and experience in creating reliable as-built survey services. Our team serves as your eyes in the field, providing situational awareness of your buildings, big or small, near or far. Trust us to deliver accurate data tailored to your project's scope and requirements. As-built survey services, as done at Existing Conditions, will aid in optimizing your building projects. Trust us to provide the accuracy, reliability, and peace of mind you need to succeed, so you can focus on what you do best.



Frequently Asked Questions:


What are as-built survey services, and why are they important in construction projects?

As-built survey services are an essential step in construction projects as they define the existing conditions of space, construction, and its surroundings. In a nutshell, through the use of up-to-date 3D laser scanning technology and an experienced team in the field, an as-built survey scans and records the existing conditions of a site, which are then recorded digitally in a graphical and easily understood way. These surveys provide clients with crucial information for decision-making and action-taking during the project lifecycle.


What quality standards are necessary for conducting as-built survey services?

To perform successful as-built survey services, quality protocols are essential for precise accurate collection. This translates directly into the technology implemented and the field team’s capacity, qualifications, and expertise to perform this service in the best way possible. At Existing Conditions, we implement quality standards to get accurate measurements and dimensions, regardless of the project's scale, scope, or complexity.


How does digital documentation enhance the value and peace of mind in construction projects?

Digital documentation significantly enhances the value and gives our clients peace of mind regarding their construction projects by providing a secure backup of project information, thereby mitigating the risk of data loss. With digital records of as-built surveys easily available and accessible, clients can access crucial project data whenever needed, allowing them to address logistical and operational challenges at any point during the project’s evolution. 

Additionally, digital documentation enables remote monitoring, allowing clients and project managers to oversee its progress remotely, permitting efficient collaboration and decision-making. By consolidating comprehensive project information and as-built surveys into a digital format, clients can conduct detailed analyses and identify opportunities for optimization, ultimately maximizing the value of their investments. In short, digital documentation offers versatility and ease of operation that equips stakeholders with the information they need to navigate construction projects effectively and achieve successful outcomes.



What are the benefits of digitizing buildings with Existing Conditions?

Digitizing buildings with Existing Conditions provides numerous benefits that significantly enhance construction projects. Firstly, the high-quality backup provided is easily accessible and understood, ensuring peace of mind for clients, while also saving costs by eliminating the need for repeated and unnecessary additional as-built surveys. Additionally, it allows for a customer-centric approach, empowering clients to appropriate their project and the material associated with it, to make informed decisions based on accurate and easily understandable data. Furthermore, by leveraging 3D laser scanning technology we aim for detailed precision and accuracy, facilitating and expediting more efficient project workflows and decision-making processes.

Moreover, digital documentation minimizes the need for frequent site visits, reducing disruptions to ongoing operations and saving valuable time and resources, permitting you to have the most detailed scope with just one as-built survey. Additionally, it mitigates logistical issues by offering an easily accessible record of a building or property, allowing for more fluid collaboration, informed decision-making, and a more comprehensive support line for remote monitoring and management. It also contributes to sustainability efforts by promoting energy efficiency and reducing waste, aligning with green building practices. In short, digitizing buildings with Existing Conditions empowers stakeholders with comprehensive insights, control over costs and schedules, and enhanced security, making it an invaluable asset throughout the project lifecycle.


How does 3D laser scanning enhance efficiency and precision in data collection?

At Existing Conditions, we utilize cutting-edge 3D laser scanning technology,  aerial drone imagery, and facade surveying to provide our as-built surveys. With construction-grade 3D laser scanning, safe laser technology can calculate where in 3D space an object is. Our state-of-the-art laser scanners can capture millions of data points per second. The data is stitched together, providing a three-dimensional representation of the existing space within the line-of-sight scanner. Ultimately, 3D laser scanning allows you to navigate through your site virtually, avoid errors, answer unanticipated questions, and reduce change orders.


What expertise does Existing Conditions offer in providing as-built survey services?

With over 26 years of experience and a wide range of projects in our portfolio of a high range of scales, Existing Conditions has the experience and expertise to provide reliable as-built survey services. We utilize the highest quality technology for surveying and recording in the market, permitting more detailed as-built surveys and more accurate digital data for your project. We have experience in multiple scales, uses, and client types, from single-family houses to massive institutional buildings. Our team of seasoned professionals serves as your eyes in the field, delivering not only accurate data tailored to your project's scope and requirements but also providing you with a clear and easily accessible support line and assistance, per your needs.

Ready to elevate your building projects with high-quality as-built drawings services and comprehensive existing condition surveys?

Contact us today to get started on your project.


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